Category: Ingredients


Sugar Replacer: Isomalt, are they Halal?

Bone char (Latin: carbo animals) is a porous, black, granular material produced by charring animal bones. Its composition varies depending on how it is made; however, it consists mainly of tricalcium phosphate (or hydroxylapatite) 57–80%, calcium carbonate 6–10% and carbon 7–10%.¹ The use of charcoal based on bones for sugar production has been a long-standing tradition…

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High Risk Ingredients (Doubtful)

The following high-risk additives and enzyme ingredients may require Halal Certification or a Vegetarian or Vegan-approved stamp. Vegetarian or Vegan only apply if they have no animal-based materials, by-products, or alcohol (You need advanced knowledge to identify the substance because sometimes it may not appear on the product labels. It is safe to use a…

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Are all Juices naturally Halal?

Enzyme treatment* An enzyme step not deployed in the desired end product is a cloudy or "natural" "-looking apple juice. Otherwise, after juice extraction, the raw apple juice must be treated with enzymes to remove suspended solid materials. If not removed, this colloidal material can clog filters, slowing production and can cause the juice to…

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