The Ruling on GMO

The 95th Discourse of the Fatwa Committee of the National Fatwa Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia convened on 16th-18th June 2011 and discussed the Ruling on the Consumption of Genetically Modified Food. The Discourse made the following decisions:
After listening to the briefing and explanation from Y. Bhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Yaakob Che Man, Director of the Halal Products Research Institute, Universiti Putra Malaysia, and examining the contentions and views put forward, the Discourse duly notes that genetically modified food involves the transfer of halal and non-halal genes from animals and plants in order to produce the required characteristics of the food or medicines.
On this matter, the Discourse holds the view that Islam demands its ummah to choose good (tayyib) food, which is halal, pure and not harmful to the human spirit and mind and that its production process must not be detrimental to human beings and the environment.
Pursuant to that, the Discourse agrees to rule that the use of prohibited materials and materials harmful to human beings and the environment in the production of genetically modified food (GM Food) is forbidden. On the other hand, the use of halal livestock is permissible, provided that the animals are slaughtered according to the methods prescribed by Shari`ah.