Are you struggling to overcome or comprehend some myths about Halal? In this post, you may find six famous Halal myths and eventually, let’s debunk them.

There are many myths and misconceptions about what is considered halal (permissible) in Islam. Here are a few examples of halal myths that have been debunked.

  1. Myth: All pork products are forbidden at all times.
    Fact: While pork is generally considered haram or forbidden in Islam, there are certain circumstances under which it may be permissible to consume or use pork products. For example, suppose a person is in a situation where no other food or medicine is available, and they are at risk of starvation or fatality. In that case, they may consume pork or medicine with pork derivatives to preserve their life.
  2. Myth: Alcohol is always haram
    Fact: While the consumption of alcohol is generally considered haram in Islam, it is not always prohibited. For example, using small amounts of alcohol as a medicinal or hygienic agent is generally permitted. Alcohol in food that originates from the source produced for food, personal care or pharmaceuticals is customarily accepted as long the limit is controlled below or at 0.5%. This limit or calculation is made based on BAC. BAC stands for “blood alcohol concentration”. In most countries, a BAC limit is considered to be the point at which a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle is significantly impaired. This means that if a person’s BAC is at or above this limit, they may be considered legally intoxicated and could be charged with drunk driving. The WHO and FDA also recommended that the maximum amount of ethanol in pediatric medications should be less than 0.5% for children under 6 years old. One reason halal control may set a limit of 0.5% ethanol in food and beverages is to ensure that the products are not intoxicating. In Islamic law, the consumption of intoxicating substances is generally considered forbidden, including alcohol. By setting a limit of 0.5% ethanol in food and beverages, halal control can ensure that the products do not contain enough alcohol to be considered intoxicating. It is important to note that the requirements for halal control can vary depending on the specific guidelines set forth by different organizations or governing bodies and that the specific requirements for the use of ethanol in food and beverages may differ in different countries or regions. It is always a good idea to check with a local halal certification organization or Islamic authority for the most up-to-date information on the requirements for halal control.
  3. Myth: All food that is not slaughtered in a specific way is haram.
    Fact: While the method of slaughter is an important consideration in determining the permissibility of meat in Islam, it is not the only factor. The source of the meat, the animal’s diet, and the conditions under which it was raised are also important considerations. Slaughtering is also a way to show respect and reverence for the life of the animal being slaughtered. The animal is treated with care and consideration throughout its life, and the method of slaughter is designed to minimize the animal’s suffering. This contrasts with some slaughter methods that may involve mistreating animals or causing them unnecessary pain, such as penetrative bolts that damage the animal’s head skull. Slaughtering is also a way of demonstrating obedience to the guidelines outlined in the Quran and the Hadith. Muslims believe that following these guidelines demonstrates their devotion to their faith and their commitment to living according to its teachings.
  4. Myth: All animals that have claws or fangs are haram.
    Fact: While consuming certain animals (such as carnivorous animals or those trained to fight) is generally considered haram or forbidden in Islam, this is not always the case. For example, chickens and turkeys have claws and beaks and are generally considered halal.
  5. Myth: What you eat is what you are. Not all of them!
    Fact: “What you eat is what you are” is a saying that suggests that the food a person consumes can have a significant impact on their physical and mental well-being. In the context of halal, this saying could be interpreted as a reminder that the food we choose to consume should be in accordance with the guidelines outlined in Islamic law. In Islamic law, the term “halal” refers to things that are permissible or allowed. In the context of food, it refers to the dietary guidelines set forth in the Quran and the Hadith. These guidelines specify which foods and drinks are halal and which are haram or forbidden. The concept of “what you eat is what you are” can be seen as a way of emphasizing the importance of following the halal food and drink guidelines to maintain physical and mental well-being. By consuming only halal foods, Muslims can ensure that they are nourishing their bodies with healthy and permissible foods and drinks, which can positively impact their overall health and well-being.
  6. Myth: Halal is only about eatery guidelines.
    Facts: It is bigger than just eating and drinking. Halal food is generally considered to be part of the Maqasid al-Shariah, as it relates to the principle of preserving life. In Islam, the consumption of halal food is seen as a way of nourishing the body and maintaining good health, which is essential for the preservation of life. Maqasid al-Shariah, or the “purposes of Islamic law,” refers to the underlying principles and goals that Islamic law seeks to achieve. These principles include the preservation of religion, life, intellect, family, and property. Overall, the consumption of halal food is seen as an important aspect of Islamic law and a way for Muslims to follow the principles and goals of maqasid al-Shariah by nourishing their bodies with healthy and permissible foods and drinks.


It is important to note that the permissibility of certain foods and substances in Islam is complex and can vary depending on the context and the specific circumstances. Therefore, it is always best to seek guidance from a qualified Islamic scholar or authority.

Posted by Rohaizad, Industry Columnist

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